Pre-Krete Formula C-17

Formula C-17 Pre-Krete lining gunned two inches thick over wire mesh protects four liquor storage tanks. Pre-Krete also protects causticizers, breechings, wet scrubbers, pulp stock chests, etc.
Calcium Oxide Hydraulic Cement – Portland based product. Utilized in corrosive and abrasive environments having a pH of 7 or greater. Consult the factory with details of your specific application.
- Resistant to solutions having a PH of 7+ and temperatures below 800°F.
- Low absorption prevents corrosive elements from penetrating the substrate.
- Provides long term protection to vessels containing all types of potable water.
- Tensile strength is 73% higher than other portland based cements assuring maximum durability.
- C-17 offers 60 times more abrasion resistance compared to portland cement.
- High density ensures less corrosion. C-17 has a dry density of 134 pounds per cubic foot.
- Pre-Krete will expand and contract with a mild steel substrate giving you maximum flexibility in your application.